Tourism in Murcia
The Museum of Archaeology houses treasures that show us millennia of history
The Archaeology Museum Collection and the building have been declared a Monument Historical-Artistic since 1962
The Archaeology Museum offers us the treasures recovered from the best excavations and tastings carried out since time immemorial, a sample of the research work carried out throughout the vast regional history.
A journey from the Palaeolithic to the 20th century
It is a didactic space that has important collections from mostly all archaeological sites in the Region of Murcia. A total of 17 rooms, distributed over two floors, offer the visitor a complete tour of the history of human evolution, from the Paleolithic to the Bronze Age through protohistory and history to the Christian and Visigoths periods.
The remarkable collections that the Museum has come mainly from the archaeological sites of the Region of Murcia
Among the many pieces that make up the collection, the backgrounds belonging to the Argoric, Iberian and Roman eras of such outstanding sites as the Cabecico del Tesoro and La Luz, Jumilla, Moratalla, Archena, Fortuna, Totana or Algezares stand out. The first settlers of the Region receive the visitors in the Paleolithic hall. Pieces from the Middle and Upper Paleolithic and Epipaleolithic, most represented in the Region, are exhibited in this area.
The cave art room: a tribute to the artistic peak of the Argar
Apart from this hall, the one dedicated to the culture of Argar, which developed in the southeast peninsular, is also popular. Worth mentioning are the room dedicated to the Iberian world, which exhibits one of the most important Spanish collections of Iberian art, or that of the Roman Empire.
From the 1st century AD, we can highlight the sculptural ensemble composed of a sculpture of Mother Earth, flanked by two geniuses, as well as a female torso of Cabezo Roenas (Cehegín), a Hercules Viandante de Los Torrejones (Yecla), a Pudicitia (Cartagena) and the Hermae (Cartagena).
Av. Alfonso X el Sabio, 7, 30008 Murcia
Phone: +34 968 234 602